Airport Instructions

Welcome to Baja Sur VIP!

Upon your arrival at SJD (San José del Cabo Airport), a smooth and comfortable journey awaits you! 

Here’s what you need to know to connect with us easily:

DIRECT SUPPORT When your plane touches down in Mexico, you will receive a text message with your drivers information as well as a direct phone number that you can text for immediate responses throughout your vacation or can always email us at

Information request- to make sure there are not any unforeseen circumstances we ask that you could please provide a few details if you have not done so already:

  1. A copy or screenshot of your actual flight reservation in case of any unexpected delays or flight number changes.
  2. FULL NAME and CONTACT PHONE NUMBER for the person in charge of your group.

At Baja Sur VIP we have a completely integrated global text message platform and you will have direct communication with your office as well as your driver while you are on Vacation.  We provide Pickup details and instructions via text from the moment you step off the plane.

Understanding your destination- Here are a few “very common” confusions that we hear from our clients traveling to Cabo San Lucas that we try and prepare our clients for “before” they arrive in Mexico.

  1. The mobile phone service from the Airport to the actual resorts will be spotty at best. Once you get into town it’s fine, but you will have 15 minutes or so of little to no service after leaving the airport.
  2. It’s equally important to understand the location of your Resort. Los Cabos is divided into 6 Sector Locations and if you’re planning on leaving the Resort to venture into “Cabo San Lucas”, it would be good to prepare beforehand to avoid unexpected Transportation Costs and precious Vacation Time. Obviously, if you’re not going to venture out of your Resort or Villa, then you’re good! 


 AIRPORT Meeting Point:

  1. Plane Arrival: When your plane Touches down in Mexico you will be provided additional meeting instructions including your driver and vehicle details VIA TEXT message.
  2. Plane Deboarding Process: You will have about a 10-minute walk to the Customs area. Follow the Airport Instructions and the other Travelers. At some point along this walk or directly deboarding your plane you will be provided a AGRICULTURE FORM to “Declare Any Items you are taking into Mexico. You will need the form filled out.

        (NOTE) Los Cabos Airport (SJD) is a NEW AND UPDATED Airport and is very nice. It’s the busiest Airport in all of Mexico.

     3. Clearing Mexico Customs: (HAVE PASSPORT READY, AND you will be provided a temporary “TRAVEL VISA”- DO NOT LOSE THIS VISA!! KEEP INSIDE YOUR PASSPORT AT ALL TIMES!) You will have to RETURN IT upon your departure.

     4. Collecting Your Luggage: After clearing customs it’s a normal carousel process of collecting your luggage. You will Collect your luggage and proceed to the agriculture checkpoint area line.

     5. Clearing the Agriculture Check: You will be entering another line. Have your “Agriculture Form” Filled out and ready. You will be called upon from a Mexico immigration Employee and they will ask for your “Agriculture Form” They will ask you, “DO YOU HAVE ANY ITEMS TO DECLARE?” Once you answer them, you will be instructed to PRESS A BUTTON. This is  a RANDOM SCREENING PROCESS. If the button is GREEN, you will      proceed to exit the airport. If the button is RED, your luggage will move to an additional XRAY scanner for second level additional screening.

       (Important NOTE) After clearing the Agriculture Check Point, and before exiting the airport you will proceed through a set of glass doors. Within this corridor, there will be TIMESHARE and other SALESPEOPLE trying to speak to you. YOU ARE NOT obligated to stop unless you would like information regarding timeshares.

      6. Exiting the airport: After walking past the Timeshare and other Sales consultants, you will exit through a set of automatic glass doors. Please proceed STRAIGHT FORWARD to umbrella #10 in the arrivals area. A Baja Sur VIP Representative will be waiting for you. You will be greeted with your name on an iPad or printed document, and it will be very visible. From that moment, you can now RELAX and we will take over!

         From all of us here at Baja Sur VIP we wish you safe travels and we are looking forward to accommodating your every need while on vacation!

         See you soon! 

        “Team” Baja Sur VIP